Tanacoat Exterior Timber Finish
Tanacoat is a high flash point solvent based, clear coating that enhances timber grain while providing protection against sunlight and moisture.
Whether through ultra-violet effects or water absorption, exterior timber surfaces suffer premature degredation. Tanacoat has been developed as a maintenance protection system for weather exposed timber structures.
Tanacoat is…
- Water repellent;
- Oil-based;
- Developed for Tanalith E treated timber;
- Convenient single pack application;
- Highlights timber grain giving a subdued sheen;
- Enriches the natural timber colour;
- Tintable.
Tanacoat Tints/Colours
Available for seperate purchase from Luxury Paints ›, Tanacoat can be tinted in the following colours:
- Golden Oak (natural, untinted),
- Cedar,
- Moss Green,
- Jarrah, and
- Charcol
See Tanacoat Colours for timber samples (2.4MB PDF))
Tanacoat on Aged Western Red Cedar
The photo below left shows the outside of a western red cedar door prior to coating. The photo on the right shows the timber after a light sand and a single coat of Tanacoat.

The photo below left shows cladding prior to treatment exposed to weather for 25 years. The photo to the right shows the cladding after a light sand and two coats of Tanacoat.

There was no additional coating on the doors or the cladding other than the original coat 25 years previous.
Ordering (Australia only)
- Purchase from Wilson Timbers online ›
- Place an order using Mastercard, or Visa via phone 1300 762 443
- Place an order via eamil via sales@outdoorstructures.com.au
Wilson Timbers
13 Davey Street, Moorooka, 4105
Phone: 1300 762 443